Yeah, It's Me!


Hi! I’m Silmi. I am 15 years old and will be 16 in November, 3-rd. I am currently in 11th grade, studying at SMAN 3 Bandung. Here, I want to tell you more about myself.

I get more excited when I spend a lot of time with other people, especially my closest friends. I get energy from socializing. I also like to have lively conversations and debates. It's boring to do things alone. So, I really feel bored with the current situation which requires us to do everything ourselves at home.

Even though I am an extrovert, I’m rather bad at socializing with friends. For me, it's not easy to make friends. It makes me attach great importance to relationships with other people, especially friendship.  

I put forward the thinking aspect, so that the case of feelings is less a consideration, but that is also to avoid feeling hurt that I think is unnecessary. Therefore, emotions and feelings can be difficult for me. Especially for understanding other people's emotions. I have difficulty expressing emotions and that causes other people to judge me as insensitive.

My life is full of planning. I like to have a clearly planned schedule or action. Especially planning for the future. Whatever what is happening right now. I prefer to focus on what could happen in the future.

One of my strengths, I don't give up easily. I love a good challenge, I enjoy it, and I firmly believe that given enough time and resources, I can achieve any goal. If I have a wish, could say I have a strong-willed. I'll strive to achieve my goals. And I always push my goals through with sheer willpower.

I like things that are efficient. I see inefficiency not just as a problem in its own right, but as something that pulls time and energy away from all my future goals.

My weakness, I always try to win in all arguments and impose my views. This often makes me look dominant and stubborn. Sometimes, I being intolerant unsupportive of any idea that distracts from my primary goals, and even more so of ideas based on emotional considerations. I'm also known for being impatient.

I have poor Handling of Emotions too. Inadvertently, I often hurting others, especially in emotionally charged situations. Even, some people say, I’m a little ruthless. Maybe, because I incredibly insensitive in pursuing my goals, dismissing personal circumstances, sensitivities, and preferences as irrational and irrelevant.

I really like adventure. So, my dream is to travel the world. I want to visit all places, cities and countries around the world. Traveling is a challenge for me. A very exciting challenge. When everything feels boring, traveling becomes an exciting and encouraging adventure. I can also be a travel blogger or travel vlogger. By becoming a travel blogger or travel vlogger I can make money by traveling. It's a really fun way to make money.

Besides traveling, I also like listening to music, singing, and reading, especially reading comics (webtoon). When I was in elementary and middle school, I also liked to write stories or poetry. I even had dreams of becoming a writer. But now I rarely do it anymore.

At school, my favorite subjects are math and science, especially physics. In terms of math, I actually liked it since elementary school. I also participated in math competitions several times. Even though I was never a champion, it was a very memorable experience for me. However, since high school, I have a little trouble learning math. So, now even though I still like math, I prefer physics to math.

I like watching YouTube, especially scientific, space, or motivational channels, like SciShow Space, CrashCourse, Veritasium, MinutePhysics, TED, etc. I also like watching movies, especially the sci-fi and action genres. Sci-fi movies in my opinion have visuals that lead to sophisticated technology which is very interesting. Movies like that also really inspire me.

Because I like science, especially physics, I thought about continuing to study a physics major after graduating from high school. But, lately, I’m also interested in the world of engineering, especially mechanical engineering. So I'm still not sure what major I will take in the lecture. But for sure, I will take the major I like. The job prospects and salary that I will get in the future will not be taken into consideration. Because, for me, the purpose of college wasn't just to find a job. But as a place to find experience and hone skills to continue my dreams.

Then what job do I dream of? I want to be an entrepreneur in the fields of travel, technology and fashion. I really like science. But I think science isn't just about doctors or engineers. Science includes more than that.

After all, I chose to be an entrepreneur because I didn't like working under other people's orders. I also hate living with too many restrictive rules. I think that being an entrepreneur, I have more freedom in my work and more control over my future. I can manage everything and dedicate my time to more valuable things.  I don't like it when something interrupts my plans. Apart from that, being an entrepreneur can also provide many benefits for others. For example, with opening jobs we have helped many people get their jobs.

This is my life. I’m in charge of my life. As the saying goes, "experience is the best teacher". So I will seek experience as much as possible. I also want to hone skills especially regarding problem solving, communication, time management, courage, leadership, public speaking, etc. It is an essential skill for a successful entrepreneur. And finally, never forget to return everything to Allah, because without Allah, we are nothing.


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